Search Engine Optimization - Website Visibility Optimization
I get a lot of questions about SEO or search engine optimization. A lot of people and companies want their web site at the top of the search engines, and so, by association, they think SEO will do it for them, and to some extent it will. But, SEO is a blanket term, with a number of newly evolving ideas and techniques that is a bit of a misnomer. Instead of focusing solely on a ranking in a search result, which is still very powerful and one of the best ways to gain consistent quality traffic, SEO is quickly involving creative marketing and PR techniques to gain viral traffic using various social media and social book marking outlets.
I propose we reanalyze what you, our web design and internet marketing clients really want. What do you want? Search engine rankings are just a step, a means to an end. The final goal of SEO is to send droves of quality, targeted visitors to your site, by ranking well. PPC accounts can also send lots of quality visitors instantly, for (at least initially) less then the cost of an “SEO” campaign. So you want quality visitors. People to visit your site, read your information, purchase or click on your advertising. That’s what you really want.
I purpose we rename SEO to WVO… Website Visibility Optimization.
In their article “SEO as Website Positioning Strategy? - Updated” Emergence Media observes the same. But, they have a different name in mind… Website Positioning Strategy. The great article goes in depth on the types of strategies involved in orchestrating and manipulating your website’s positioning online.
In addition to Emergence’s suggestions, I believe there needs to be a greater concentration, from the ground up, to build standards based sites and designs that are easily index-able and accessible. There needs to be more concentration on the foundation of a site as a facilitator of great rankings. Like a home, everything rests on that initial foundation.
So what does WVO involve? It involves:
Site Construction (Proper, Appropriate Coding) Continued Content Generation (probably through a site blog) Community Involvement (participation in online communities related to your industry/web) Offline PR Efforts with an emphasis on online link building (charitable events, Press Releases, etc.) No matter what we call it, the changing landscape of SEO and the tactics used to drive traffic and gain search rankings is a positive and rewarding experience for both the authors of sites as well as their visitors. And, by keeping your website visibility optimization or website positioning strategy in mind from the beginning you will be better prepared for success online.